What Does Almas Taste Like?

Almas is the second most expensive type of caviar available today, as it’s only made from the roe of very rare albino sturgeons. Since many consider it one of the best fish delicacies you can eat today, what does Almas taste like?

Almas caviar is famous for its light, fresh aroma, which features a buttery, creamy, and mildly salty taste, as well as a long almond aftertaste. Unlike many other caviar types out there, it doesn’t have a fishy smell and taste, which makes it an incredibly sought after and unique delicacy.

White caviar on a spoon

Due to the rarity of albino sturgeons, the price of Almas caviar surpasses almost all the other types by tenfold. However, many who tried it believe that it’s well worth the price, so let’s look at everything this incredible delicacy has to offer.

What Does Almas Taste Like? The Luxurious Delicacy Has a Light and Fresh Non-Fishy Aroma

Many avid caviar consumers have heard of Almas, one of the rarest and most-expensive caviars available today.

The delicacy is produced from roe of rare female albino sturgeon and is known for having an incredible light and fresh aroma. The eggs used to make the product don’t taste or smell like fish at all, which makes them an attractive option even for some non-caviar lovers.

The main flavor of Almas caviar can be described primarily as creamy and buttery, with a mildly salty overtone, but it also has an almondy aftertaste that lasts long. The taste mainly depends on the age of the harvested fish, with older females producing roe that is lighter and softer. It’s generally believed that the best flavor comes from females that are about 70-100 years old.

What Are the Benefits of Consuming the Best Almas Caviar?

Almas caviar might be an expensive delicacy, but it still provides the consumer with several health benefits. This is in no small part thanks to its contents, as the product is rich in protein, vitamins (A, B, C, and D,) healthy fats (lecithin-yolk,) and almost a dozen different minerals. Some of the positive effects Almas can have on the consumer’s health include:

  • Improved brain function,
  • Reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases,
  • Enhanced immune and circulatory systems.

How Much Does Almas Caviar Cost?

Considering this fish delicacy is produced only from the roe of rare and old female albino sturgeons, it shouldn’t be surprising that its price is very high even compared to the standard beluga caviar. A kilogram of Almas costs about $34,500, which makes it the second most expensive type of caviar in the world.

Besides being made from rare albino sturgeons, the main reason why this caviar is so expensive is its very low supply. Mainly, it’s estimated that only ten kilograms of Almas are made per year, so even the biggest retailers like Amazon are often out of stock on the product. If you’d like to compare the price of Almas with other caviar types available on the market, take a look at the table below.

Caviar typeAlmas caviarRussian Volga Reserve Ossetra CaviarSevruga Classic Gray CaviarImperial Golden Osetra CaviarKaluga Hybrid CaviarWhite Gold Caviar
Price per kilogram$34,500$540$150+$120+$30+$110,000

Don’t Miss the Opportunity to Try This Expensive Delicacy

That’s all there is to tell about Almas caviar and its incredible taste. I’ve had the honor of trying this delicious dish, and all I can tell you is that there’s nothing like it out there. If you can overcome the very high cost, you’ll get to enjoy one of the world’s greatest delicacies.